What do Success and Heroism Have in Common?

Have you ever thought about how fame/untold wealth is achieved? What heroism can look like? Although they are quite different, similar principles apply. Fame and Heroism are things that you don’t necessarily make happen, they happen TO you and it's your response that makes all the difference.

You PREPARE for Success* through a combination of some or all the following:
  • Passion and competence in your chosen field
  • A promising idea
  • A clear plan
  • Expert advice & connections
  • Informal network of competent people in other fields
  • Where you live
  • Family background and education
  • Effective team
  • Proper funding
  • Timing
  • Willingness to take risks
  • Making your business visible
  • LUCK

You’ll find, when you start to look at famous people as I have, there is nearly always a combination of many of the items I’ve listed that contribute to their success; An innovative idea, you know someone who knows someone, an angel investor shows up, you’re willing to have a go, A fair degree of LUCK etc.

See: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/beautiful-minds/the-role-of-luck-in-life-success-is-far-greater-than-we-realized/

In some ways, it’s like an air crash, there is rarely a single cause, one only occurs when several unfortunate events happen at the same time.

What about heroism?

You PREPARE for battlefield heroism (or bravery) in a different but comparable way because it’s not something most people WANT to experience.

You need:

  • To expect the unexpected
  • Good physical condition
  • A good frame of mind
  • Thorough Combat training
  • Excellent support from your colleagues
  • Your share of LUCK 

Many people who have received awards for bravery say the same thing: "I'm not a hero, I didn't have a choice, the situation was thrust upon me".

The moral of the story?

Be competent, prepare well, and be ready if or when an opportunity or challenge arises.

And, just in case you don’t know, it’s surprising what you can do when you HAVE to.

Success* In this article, success refers to becoming a noted, world-wide expert in your chosen field, such as Business, Entertainment, Sport, or Academia.

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